First Post Jitters!


Summer time is finally here (I didn’t think it was ever going to come)! I am pretty excited – and extremely intimidated – by this blog, but I’m ready to get it started. I don’t have my first inspirational artist yet, this is just a sort-of get-to-know-me post. I’m a bit nervous, so I will probably ramble like I do in real-life. But, really there are only three big things you should know:

1) I only have one pace: slow. Much to the annoyance of my mother…and everyone else I am surrounded by.

2) I am generally a very happy person (except in the morning).

3) I am THE most impatient person…ever.

I hope everyone reading this (so probably just people I know or from school) is as excited as I am! You should be: No more school for a few months, a summer full of art (and fishing, for me), and then the last year of college! Bring. It. On.

Also, I can’t wait (for my fellow senior semmies) to read your blogs and see what you all come up with. It is going to be a fun year.

Oh, and here is some art (by me) to get us into that free, “beachy” spirit:


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