Con Artist


CSX Boxcar for “Art in the Streets” at LA MOCA
53′ Evans Double Plug Door Box Car
5″ x 7″ x 26″
Oil-based paint marker, acrylic
Additional artists: AREK & Sandy McDonald

Today’s artist is someone I actually got to interview my senior year of high school for a project that I did on street art – I am even his friend on facebook! Is it lame for me to be that excited? Oh well. His name is Tim Conlon and he is an artist based in D.C. He used to have a little trouble with the law for his graffiti and now it has been shown in exhibits all over the world, including the Smithsonian. He’s awesome and I love his artwork. A lot of it is based on graffiti found on trains and he has a series of model trains which he painted, called Derailed. I think that his artwork has a really fun and sort of hip-hop vibe to it. This is created not only with his use of bright colors but his cartoon-ish figures and writing style.

If you want to see more of his stuff, check out his blog:


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